Scientists have discovered that mountain ranges, where deep mantle rocks are exposed, may hold significant natural hydrogen resources, potentially offering a new route to cleaner energy.
Noise-cancelling headphones have become increasingly popular for people seeking peace and quiet, whether in a bustling office or on a noisy airplane. But how exactly do they work, and can using them be bad for your brain?
Canadian and UK-based scientists have completed a large-scale study to finally determine whether vitamin D supplements can help prevent the onset of dementia and uncovered some impressive results.
Research suggests a link between regular visits to urban green spaces, such as parks and community gardens and reduced use of prescription medications.
Time-restricted eating is hot at the moment, as many studies show that it has various health benefits. However, the exact reason why it has so many benefits remains unknown. In a new study, scientists at the Salk Institute tried to uncover this mystery on a molecular level.
Canadian researchers conducted a large meta-analysis to see if there is a link between traffic-related air pollution and Dementia. - The results were rather disconcerting.
According to a University of Birmingham study, those who experience regular nightmares between their late 30s and early 60s are more likely to develop dementia.