In an extensive study, an international team of scientists found a surprising source for most of Earth’s surface water, namely the Sun.
Why extraterrestrial intelligence is more likely to be artificial than biological
Alien microbes could contaminate Earth: what to do in case of a planetary biosecurity threat?
Scientists proposed a brilliant idea: producing rocket fuel on Mars using algae and E.coli
Scientists may have detected the first-ever exoplanet in another galaxy
Scientists determined that photosynthesis within the Venusian atmosphere could sustain life
Cosmic Concrete: all it takes is dust and a little astronaut blood to build low-cost homes in space
New research center aims to combat the ever growing threat of space junk
About 27% of all sun-like stars devour their own planets
Mysterious rhythmic fast radio burst not caused by the strong stellar wind from a companion star as suspected
A Dutch team of astronomers has found that the repeating pattern in the cosmic radio flash FRB20180916B is not caused by the strong stellar wind from a companion star, as previously suspected. Instead, the flashes may come from a highly magnetized but solitary neutron star called a magnetar. The astronomers made this discovery within a unique combination of observations with two of the largest radio telescopes in the world: LOFAR and Westerbork.
Is space infinite? We asked 5 experts
Yet another exciting step in the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life
Upcoming Hubble telescope rival will be lifted up by a balloon the size of a football stadium!
Mysterious levels of methane on Enceladus not explainable with known geochemical processes
The largest radio telescope in the world has been approved for construction
Astronomers discovered there might be countless 'exo-earths' hidden from us
When will the first baby be born in space?
There are a bunch of big preliminary plans to colonize several celestial bodies within our solar system. Over the past few years, we've talked and hypothesized a lot about the material logistics of such operations.
But how far along are we with our journey to the stars? Also, a relatively underexposed topic on our website has been off-world human reproduction. Can anything be said about our prospects there?