Eating more processed red meat increases the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed science journal Neurology.
Italian researchers have discovered that using a nasal spray to inhibit a specific brain enzyme can counteract the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Research suggests that, if all Americans over 40 matched the physical activity levels of the top 25%, they could live 5 years longer on average, while the least active 25% could gain nearly 11 years with equivalent effort.
Our ideas about water on planets may have been a tad too Earth-centric. Swiss researchers have recently determined that liquid water can exist for billions of years on exotic planets that we would previously have ignored.
Research published in the International Journal of Astrobiology proposes a fascinating theory where advanced extraterrestrial civilizations can travel among the stars without the need for an interstellar spaceship.
The discovery that plants can sprout in extraterrestrial soil may not only be of great importance for future space missions, but it could also have applications back here on Earth.
Future Mars missions will make astronauts susceptible to potential bone mass loss. Scientists may have found an ingenious solution to this issue with help from transgenic lettuce.
Astronomers detected the most powerful coronal mass ejection ever observed from a solar-type star. Scientists think that past, similar eruptions from our own sun may have helped shape the way Earth and Mars look today.
In an effort to outline the hazards of intensifying space exploration scientists wrote a paper about a particular risk that hasn't yet been talked about a lot, namely invasion.