Italian researchers have discovered that using a nasal spray to inhibit a specific brain enzyme can counteract the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Research suggests that, if all Americans over 40 matched the physical activity levels of the top 25%, they could live 5 years longer on average, while the least active 25% could gain nearly 11 years with equivalent effort.
It turns out that constantly switching between online videos can actually make us more bored and less satisfied with the content we're consuming. In this article, we will go over why.
For decades, scientists have puzzled over how a faint atmosphere persists on our moon and what sustains it. Recent research might finally provide the answers
Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet, TIC 241249530 b, that is currently undergoing a dramatic transformation from a cold, distant world into a scorching hot Jupiter, offering new insights into planetary evolution.
Scientists propose a new tool for the shed of dark matter research. Let's use exoplanets, rogue planets, and brown dwarfs as detectors for gravitationally captured dark matter.
Scientists at the Argonne National Laboratory may have found a better, more efficient, and cheaper solution for producing hydrogen without consuming fossil fuels.
Despite what many people think, space is far from empty. Every day, the Earth sweeps up tons of debris left over from the solar system's formation as it orbits around the sun.
Researchers discovered that bacteria, like most organisms on earth, have a circadian rhythm. This new understanding may have a significant impact on scientific research into drug delivery and biotech.
Access to clean and safe drinking water is becoming more and more of an issue for millions of people around the globe. Scientists from the University of South Australia devised an affordable technology to solve this issue.
Commercial space travel becomes more viable by the year, which means we should start thinking about healthy exercise protocols for passengers, especially when it comes to longer trips.
A group of researchers led by the University of California Museum of Paleontology director, Charles Marshall, asked themselves how many tyrannosaurus rexes ever wandered the earth.
The world of particle physics shakes as it turns out that muons behave differently than predicted by the standard model. Is the standard model broken? Did scientists find evidence for new physics?
Scientists analyzed data from NASA's earlier rover Curiosity and discovered that Mars didn't dry out over a long period of time; instead, it had alternating wet and dry periods in its younger years.
Almost a billion tires get dumped each year, and a significant portion of them get burned or end up in landfills. Scientists have found a new use for them
If we choose to give up on changing the time twice a year altogether, what time should we use permanently? Standard (winter) time or DST (summer time)?
About 125.000 years ago, the arctic region was covered in green vegetation, stretching as far north as the arctic ocean. Research reveals that this may happen again in the future.
NASA postulated an amazing, unconventional idea for a future sample return mission to Titan where a spacecraft would refuel on location, using Titan's natural resources