Scientists have discovered that mountain ranges, where deep mantle rocks are exposed, may hold significant natural hydrogen resources, potentially offering a new route to cleaner energy.
Noise-cancelling headphones have become increasingly popular for people seeking peace and quiet, whether in a bustling office or on a noisy airplane. But how exactly do they work, and can using them be bad for your brain?
In an effort to outline the hazards of intensifying space exploration scientists wrote a paper about a particular risk that hasn't yet been talked about a lot, namely invasion.
Research shows that the combination of exposure to high-PM air pollution and genetic susceptibility can substantially increase the risk of encountering depression for healthy people.
It is a highly debated topic: do video games lead to violence in the real world? Many seem to think so. But is there any actual scientific evidence to back these claims?
Being a far more eco-friendly alternative to the internal combustion engine doesn't mean that there isn't still room for improvement for EVs. Swedish scientists developed a clever way to improve battery recycling.
In a quest to replace conventional petroleum-based aircraft fuel, scientists took a closer look at a sustainable aviation fuel based on oil derived from a non-edible mustard plant.
In the most extensive study to date on the impact of different grain types on body weight, researchers determined that consuming rye over refined wheat comes with several health and weight-loss advantages