Italian researchers have discovered that using a nasal spray to inhibit a specific brain enzyme can counteract the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Research suggests that, if all Americans over 40 matched the physical activity levels of the top 25%, they could live 5 years longer on average, while the least active 25% could gain nearly 11 years with equivalent effort.
It turns out that constantly switching between online videos can actually make us more bored and less satisfied with the content we're consuming. In this article, we will go over why.
For decades, scientists have puzzled over how a faint atmosphere persists on our moon and what sustains it. Recent research might finally provide the answers
Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet, TIC 241249530 b, that is currently undergoing a dramatic transformation from a cold, distant world into a scorching hot Jupiter, offering new insights into planetary evolution.
A team of Swiss scientists has been inspired by nature to develop a new construction method that can be used in disaster relief and building and maintaining structures in very hard-to-reach places like tall buildings.
Research published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Heart has determined that salt substitutes lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (such as strokes and heart attacks) worldwide.
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed a noninvasive patch that can generate excellent, real-time images of organs for a period of two days.
Researchers found that some naturally existing lake bacteria grow quicker and more effectively on the leftovers of plastic bags than on organic material like leaves and twigs, according to a study of 29 Scandinavian lakes.
According to a study of over half a million individuals, those who add extra salt to their food at the dinner table have a greater chance of dying prematurely.
People who are not exposed to (commonly reversible) risk factors like diabetes or smoking show comparable brain health to individuals aged ten to twenty years younger.
Our ideas about water on planets may have been a tad too Earth-centric. Swiss researchers have recently determined that liquid water can exist for billions of years on exotic planets that we would previously have ignored.