The Megalodon, a huge prehistoric shark that roamed our oceans for millions of years before it went extinct aproximatly 4 milliion years ago turns out to have been warm-blooded.
An international team of scientists from William Paterson University, the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), and others have conducted a groundbreaking study to scrutinize the gigantic creature's body temperature.
Megalodon was an enormous and fierce predator that roamed Earth's oceans in the distant past
(Image Credit: Herschel Hoffmeyer via Shutterstock)
How did scientists confirm that megalodon was warm-blooded?
The researchers used an innovative application of geochemical techniques, focusing specifically on the fossilized teeth of the extinct shark.
Firstly the team employed a method known as clumped isotope thermometry, which explores how 'heavier' isotopes of elements, such as carbon-13 and oxygen-18, bond or 'clump' together in a mineral lattice at the temperatures at which the mineral formed.
Additionally, the team used phosphate oxygen isotope thermometry, which is based on the principle that the ratio of the stable oxygen isotopes in phosphate minerals reveals the temperature of the body water from which they formed.
The teeth samples were collected from multiple global locations and analyzed using mass spectrometers at leading institutions such as UCLA and UC Merced. Statistical modelling was then used to estimate seawater temperatures at each site, ultimately leading to the conclusion that Megalodon had an impressive ability to regulate its body temperature.
A single Megalodon tooth is enought to give an indication of the immense size of the fearsome predator - (Image Credit: Nico Ott via Shutterstock)
These discoveries provide us with a richer understanding of the Megalodon's biology, a species that was one of the largest carnivores to have ever lived. The newly discovered evidence of warm-bloodedness in Megalodon also prompts speculation about its size - the creature's warm-blooded nature might have contributed to its massive growth.
The benefits and disadvantages of being a warm-blooded shark
This unique characteristic allowed the Megalodon to swim faster, endure colder waters, and spread its reach globally.
However, this evolutionary advantage might have also been a contributing factor to its demise. The upkeep of a warm-blooded nature involves high metabolic needs, meaning that it had to constantly consume large amounts of calories to stay alive. In times of drastic environmental shifts, this requirement may have been challenging to maintain.
Did Warm-Bloodedness Lead to the Megalodon's Downfall?
Dramatic changes in the climate and sea levels, which changed prey distribution, would have required the Megalodon to maintain a voracious appetite.
It's speculated that this daunting task may not have been sustainable in the evolving marine ecosystem, where it may have even faced competition from newly emerging species like the great white shark.
Future Steps in Exploring Ancient Marine Predators
By studying the extinction causes of this successful predatory shark, researchers aim to gain insights into the vulnerabilities of present-day large marine predators in the face of ongoing climate change.
The research has broader implications and can aid in developing effective conservation strategies to protect modern shark species and other large marine predators.
The research team plans to further their studies by applying the same investigative approach to other species, deepening our understanding of the occurrence of endothermy in apex marine predators throughout geologic history.
If you are interested in more details about the study, be sure to check out the paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, listed below.
Sources and further reading:
Endothermic physiology of extinct megatooth sharks - (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
The giant Megalodon shark may have been even larger than we thought - (Universal-Sci)
Scientists discovered that colder waters were responsible for huge Megalodon sharks - (Universal-Sci)
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