Scientists took a look at the physical and mathematical mechanisms behind the gorgeous phenomenon of bioluminescence created by single-celled organisms.
A gorgeous bioluminescence spectacle - (Image Credit: PawelG Photo via Shutterstock/HDR tune by Universal-Sci)
Extensive research has already been conducted on the biochemical side of the process behind the mysterious blue glow that some single-celled organisms are capable of producing; however, in a new study, scientists approached the phenomenon from a physics/mathematical perspective.
In their investigation, the research team chose to study an organism known as the sea sparkle as it is a relatively sizeable single-celled organism. They managed to take a single cell and squeeze it at different rates of intensity and speed. It appears that the brightness of the flash generated by the cell depends on the depth of the deformation as well as the rate at which it is imposed. This behavior is known as a 'viscoelastic' response.
Somehow these sea sparkle cells have some sort of, as researcher Maziyar Jalaal puts it, cellular decision-making process that can decide to produce more light when it is deformed quicker or more intensely. The researchers saw that light is already generated at a deformation of approximately 20%, but only if it was accomplished at a fast pace. If one of these two conditions isn't met, the cell won't produce any light. The team theorized that the reason behind this is energy conservation, as it is suggested that this behavior can act as a filter to avoid spurious light flashes from being triggered.
Image Credit: PawelG Photo via Shutterstock / HDR tune by Universal-Sci
In nature, bioluminescence is commonly used for defense, offense, or mating. In the case of the tiny sea sparkle, it is mainly utilized to scare off potential predators, but it might also play a role in the mating process. Interestingly enough, the reason behind the fact that sea sparkles mostly light up in breaking waves has nothing to do with either of these use cases. It turns out that more mechanical forces are at play in these waves, distorting the tiny unicellular organisms more vigorously, forcing them to produce more light.
The team is currently in the process of planning a follow-up study to further support its hypotheses. In the meantime, you can read a more comprehensive explanation of the finished study in their article, published in the science journal: Physical Review Letters, listed below.
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